5.1 Github Pages Action

1. Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

  • A beneficial effect of computing is that it allows for students to access their grades and assignment information more easily. A harmful effect is that students will be focused on checking their grades much more often instead of learning.
  • A beneficial effect of computing is that it allows parents to know where their child is to make sure that they are safe. A harmful effect is that parents could abuse this location tracking to invade children’s privacy.
  • A beneficial effect of computing is that it allows people to much more easily manage their financials and anything related to their bank account. The harmful effect is that it is more difficult to keep your bank account secure.

2. Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

  • I personally get dopamine from gaming and exercising, this is definitely a real phenomenon that also affects me. However, I do have it under control, as I complete all schoolwork before playing games and I make sure to break it up with other activities, and my grades are also doing well.

5.2 Github Pages Action

1. How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

  • To empower themselves in the digital world, someone must know how to access all the information they need and how to properly filter through this mass amount of information. Being able to properly filter out what’s unnecessary and find what is is very important to being empowered on the internet.

2. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

  • To help someone that is not empowered, you could teach them how to use their device to the fullest and access information properly. For example, I could help teach a peer how to access their files, how to properly search information, as well as how to properly manipulate it.

3. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

  • Yes, paper or red tape is blocking digital empowerment. For example, at Del Norte, some of our classes are still extremely paper-focused, which blocks the possibility of digital empowerment in such classes. Additionally, our school “red tape” is the wifi blocking many websites for students. This is intended to “keep us safe,” but in reality it often blocks sites that are safe and often creates irritation for many students rather than successfully “keep us safe.”

5.1 to 5.2 Notes

  • Flowchart and UML Diagram are both similar to procedural/class-based
  • Flowchart: Sequence, selection, iteration
  • UML Diagram: Systems/classes with items/objects associated in categories
  • UML Diagram still has some flow and methods inside
  • The way people complete tasks - change to incorporate new computing innovations
  • Not all effects are anticipated in advance
  • Can be viewed both beneficial and harmful
  • Advances in computing - increased creativity in other fields
  • Ex: Accelerometers - useful for games and other applications for motion detection
  • Consider unintended consequences of your computing innovation (good and malicious)
  • Not possible to consider all ways, but at least consider some
  • Rapid sharing can result impacts beyond intention or control of programmer
  • Internet access varies between: Socioeconomic, Geographic, Demographic, Countries
  • “Digital Divide” - Differing access to computing and internet
  • Group and individuals affected, issues of equity and influence
  • Affected by the actions of individuals, organizations, governments