How to capture learning

  • All learning will be captured in the form of fastpages blogs.
    • When applicable, this will be done on a jupyter notebook to integrate any code-based learning
    • All code-based learning will show the code as well as the output given by running the code
  • However, only writing-based tangibles will be done by a markdown post (or in a rare situation a word document upload)

How to sort

  • Any sort of notes and/or hacks will be linked on the Ideas and Notes page.
    • This page will be sorted by weeks from most recent to the oldest
  • Using tags to separate notes/hacks as well as Collegeboard vs PBL

Collegeboard vs PBL

  • Any notes taken specifically on collegeboard material will be tagged with a “Collegeboard” tag
    • Assignments based on collegeboard material, such as notes or certain practice tasks must be placed into a notebook separate from PBL/Tech Talk work.
  • Even if it may be related to a topic covered by collegeboard material, notes or hacks that are done outside of collegeboard will be marked as PBL or as regular notes