Python Notebook Test
Testing the Jupyter notebook with Python
This python code is from my previous CSP tri3 menu project. If it works correctly, it should correctly analyze these palindromes and filter out any irrelevant characters.
class Palindrome:
def __init__(self):
self.filtered = ""
self.paliBool = True
def __call__(self, n):
self.filtered = ""
self.paliBool = True
# Filters the string for letters only and appends them to the filtered string
for i in n:
if i.isalpha():
self.filtered += i
# For loop for palindrome finding
print("="*45, "\nString: ", n,"\n" , '-'*44)
for i in range(0, int(len(self.filtered)/2)):
# Sets a to the lowercase of the letter that is i position in the string
a = self.filtered[i].lower()
# Sets b to the lowercase of the letter that is i amount starting from the end of the string
b = self.filtered[(len(self.filtered) - i - 1)].lower()
if a != b:
# Breakpoint if the letters do not match to state it is not a palindrome
self.paliBool = False
print("'" + n + "'", "is not a palindrome at position " + str(i) + " because", a, "!=", b)
# Print statement if the word is a palindrome (boolean stayed true)
if self.paliBool:
print("'" + n + "'", "is a palindrome!")
def pali_tester():
pali = Palindrome()
# racecar tester, should output true
# test for case and symbol sensitivity, should output true
# not a palindrome, should be false
pali("racing car")
# another test for space/symbol/case sensitivity, should be true
pali("A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama!")