Focus and Habits Blog

Psychology and the Good Life

  • We think our life circumstances matter a lot - they do, but not as much
    • Doesn’t make us as happy as we think
    • Applies to bad circumstances too
    • Your mind can lie to you
  • What can you actually do
    • Make time for social connection
      • Spending time with friends and family
      • Even with strangers, still bumps up well-being
    • Exercise - good for physical and mental health - Sleep is also good
    • Notice the good experiences in life
    • Keep your mind from wandering by being in the present moment.


  • I am very grateful to all of my teachers for their teaching methods and how they aim to help us improve. I know that every single teacher at school is underappreciated by many of their students, and I know that most of them are trying their best to actually help their students.
  • I am very grateful to my entire family for taking care of me, helping me through hardship, and encouraging me to do better. I am inspired by their success and their hard work to also work hard on my own and be like them.
  • Grateful for the family/friends/acquaintances/teachers that I have
  • Grateful for everything I have - Computer, phone, education, money